Where Do I Start? – Food Storage Virtual Builder
One of our greatest tools! An interactive calculator that will customize your food storage for you, step by step, generating a shopping list for your convenience.
How Do I Store That? – Comprehensive Storage Guide
A quick reference guide to all our products and how they’re best stored, as well as tips and hints for using products that you might have in excess.
Field Reps
A place where we build groups all over the country who can order from Sage and Plow and receive their orders locally. Along with a page where an established Field Rep can get any information that is needed to build, maintain, and educate a group.
Sage and Plow Here and Now
Our newsletter—Where we talk all about what is going on here and now at Sage and Plow.
Shopping Cart
Our Catalog of products will soon become a Shopping Cart, complete with fulfillment all over the country.
Classes Archive
On this page we will advertise Classes present, past, and future. If you missed a class, you will likely be able to view a recording here.
Emergency Preparedness
We plan to post articles, checklists, and anything that we find helpful for you in preparing your emergency preparedness plan.
Kitchen and Equipment Rental
What’s a party without good food? Do you want to plan a gathering, but lack the tools necessary to feed large crowds? We hope to gather these tools to make gathering your people easier for you.
Online Farmer’s Market
Do you have an excess of tomatoes? Do you have an old wheat grinder that someone could benefit from? We hope to create a place where you can post such availabilities to a larger, interested audience.
Health Research
So much of what we promote in self-sufficiency is related to good health. Here we will post articles and health research cataloged by symptom and by remedy.