Join us for our First Annual Health and Wellness Fair!
Friday, January 31, 2025 from
10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday, February 1, 2025 from
10:00 AM - 4:30 PM

At Sage and Plow we seek to help individuals and families take practical steps toward self reliance and long-term sustainability. Health and Wellness is a vital part of feeling calm and secure in troubled times and every day!
We have put together this Health and Wellness Fair in an effort to give you opportunity to gain a plethora of amazing education from many varied presenters. We will also have vendors available to answer your questions one on one and allow you to sample products that they are passionate about.
In addition be sure to watch for our first Annual Preparedness Fair in April as well as a Homeschool Fair in July! We will hold our second Semi-Annual Preparedness Fair in October and look forward to seeing you there, as well.
40+ Enlightening Classes
Many Vendor Booths
Featuring our Keynote Speaker
David Christopher MH

Lunch furnished by Wasatch Freeze Dry - $10.00!
Includes a 10% Coupon for any
Wasatch Freeze Dry products during the event
Lunch will include your choice of Delicious Freeze Dried Entree from our FAVORITE Freeze Driers and will also include a fresh salad, homemade dinner rolls and a healthful treat!
Wasatch Freeze Dry is unique in that they put together nutritious meals with ingredients we can pronounce and freeze dry them to perfection!
Each Meal Ticket will also include a 10% Coupon for any Wasatch Freeze Dry products in our store for the 2 days of the event!
Crafts for Kids with Cassie Cox - $10/each

Drawing will happen after the Keynote Address which starts at 6 pm
Prizes include:
- 60 min. Foot Zone ($65)
- Dr. Christopher Cleanse Kit ($120)
- BROL and a Booklet
- Beck Ranch T-Shirt and Hat!
- Colloidal Silver
- Gluten Free Sourdough Starts
- Gluten Free Mixes
- Free Initial Chiropractic Visit
- Bag of Modballs
- Lots of other COOL Stuff
You must be present to win a prize!

Though not necessarily aligning with our theme for the weekend, we are hosting a Youth Farmer’s Market on Saturday for entrepreneurial teens!
Come prepared to support these youth in their efforts! They will love the opportunity to interface with so many of you, our loyal customers.
Jordan Gundersen— Iridologist—This weekend only he will be doing a full 70 page iris report for $199! Normally $299! He will also offer a mini 20-page report for $125 Normally $199
Doreen Spackman— Bowenwork—This weekend only! 50% OFF! $10 for a shortened 15 minute session. See what just 15 minutes can do to help you feel BETTER!
Friday, January 31, 2025
Ticket Sales will Begin at 9 am
10:00 AM |Kyle Christensen—Allergy Elimination/Healing the Gut
11:15 AM | Kyle Christensen—Healing in the Kitchen
11:15 AM | Doren Spackman- Bowenwork–Renew the body’s natural ability to heal itself!
Pain-Free Living Through Movement Restoration
11:15 AM | Dr. Loren Grover–– Stretching for Life: The Key to Mobility and Longevity
10:00 AM | Laura Cooper— Gluten Free Sourdough Basics
11:15 AM | Laura Cooper— Gluten Free Sourdough Basics
12:30 PM – Lunch Break
Lunch by Wasatch Freeze Dry $10
Includes your choice of FD Main Entree served with a fresh Salad, Homemade Roll and a Healthful Treat
1:00 PM | Katie Craig—
How to have the Best Birth Experience!
2:15 PM | Cassidy Gundersen— How to Heal Disease
3:30 PM | Amanda Kemp—Parasite Prep, Pulse and Purge
4:45 PM | Amanda Kemp—
Foot Zone & The Language of the Body
1:00 PM | Jordan Gundersen—
Get To The Cause Of Your Health Problems With Iridology
2:15 PM | Doreen Spackman— Advanced Herbal Remedies Make, Take and Try 4 for $10
3:30 PM | Dr. Michelle Jorgensen-Health-Based Dentistry: The Mouth-Body Connection
4:45 PM | Dr. Michelle Jorgensen- Unlocking Unlimited Energy through Earth’s Elements
1:00 PM | Sarah Vezzani — “The Herb-Powered Pregnancy: Have Your Best Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum, Ever!”
2:15 PM | Bryon Tarbet— Macro and Micro Minerals in Health and Nutrition.
3:30 PM | Zoe Halstom—
Body Oil Workshop: Blending for Beginners
Make One to take home $20
4:45 PM | Zoe Halstom— Soap Theory 101: Essentials of Soapmaking
1:00 PM | Chef Brad—
Grain Fusion
2:15 PM | Chef Brad—
Grain Fusion
3:30 PM | Vicki Talmage— Sprouting for Optimum Nutrition
4:45 PM | Brilliant Living Us—Pulses, The Powerhouse of Health!
6:00 PM
Keynote Speaker David Christopher & Raffle
in the Sage Center
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Ticket Sales will Begin at 9 am
10:00 AM |Neal Bosshardt— The great salt question… is it bad or beneficial?
11:15 AM | Neal Bosshardt—
We Eat Clay–and Wear it, too!
10:00 AM | Leslie Probert—
What’s in YOUR Basement? How Food Storage Can Make a Big Contribution to Health and Well-being
11:15 AM | Leslie Probert—
What’s in YOUR Basement? How Food Storage Can Make a Big Contribution to Health and Well-being
10:00 AM | Dr. Loren Grover—Pain-Free Living Through Movement Restoration
11:15 AM | Dr. Loren Grover–– Stretching for Life: The Key to Mobility and Longevity
10:00 AM | Laura Huffman—Gluten-Free Grains Made Easy: A Guide to Wholesome Eating
11:15 AM | Laura Huffman—Gluten-Free Grains Made Easy: A Guide to Wholesome Eating
12:30 PM – Lunch Break
Lunch by Wasatch Freeze Dry $10
Includes your choice of FD Main Entree served with a fresh Salad, Homemade Roll and a Healthful Treat
1:00 PM | Neal Bosshardt—
We Eat Clay–and Wear it, too!
2:15 PM | Cassidy Gundersen— How to Heal Disease
3:30 PM | Sarah Vezzani —
The Herb-Powered Pregnancy: Have Your Best Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum, Ever!
1:00 PM | Jordan Gundersen—
Get To The Cause Of Your Health Problems With Iridology
2:15 PM | Dr. Michelle Jorgensen- Health-Based Dentistry: The Mouth-Body Connection
3:30 PM | Dr. Michelle Jorgensen-Unlocking Unlimited Energy through Earth’s Elements
2:15 PM | Amanda Kemp— Parasite Prep, Pulse and Purge
3:30 PM | Jennifer Baer— Fresh Start: Detox Your Body, Boost Immunity, and Banish Odor
Make and Take a Bath Detox $10
1:00 PM | Brilliant Living Us—Pulses, The Powerhouse of Health!
2:15 PM | Tanna Fox—
Tree of Health– Fermented Foods and Probiotics
3:30 PM | Tanna Fox—
Tree of Health– Fermented Foods and Probiotics
Keynote Speaker

Presentation by David Christopher, MH
Warnings by health authorities should be just that, warnings that encourage us to be healthier. If the warnings are intended to alarm the public, then they should be ignored.
In his presentation David will help you in your preparations to avoid transmissions of diseases and help inform you on treatments for communicable diseases.
It is his goal to help prepare the public against further assaults from entrenched medical activists.
Join him in a totally natural approach to super immunity.
David Christopher Bio:
Having been raised in the simple ways of natural health, David’s interests grew beyond his university study. In 1974 David Christopher, MH, took his place by his father’s side at The School of Natural Healing. David’s book, An Herbal Legacy of Courage is a loving tribute to his father.
In 1979 he became a Master Herbalist and the director of The School of Natural Healing.
Today, thousands safely apply the Christopher methodology thanks to his directorship.
David is an international lecturer and has been instrumental in helping to establish Herbal Schools in England and Ireland. David and his wife Fawn host “A Healthier You“ podcast.
He has generated new ideas on the management of high blood pressure, diabetes, and auto-immune diseases, and was one of the first to discourage the use of Prozac in favor of natural methods.
David Christopher’s goal in life is to help others learn to benefit from a healthier lifestyle.
Featuring Class Presenters

Dr. Kyle Christensen is a practicing chiropractor, master herbalist and naturopath. He founded Western Botanicals in the mid 1990’s. Author of several books. He is passionate about Jesus Christ, health, nutrition, cooking, sourdough, organic gardening, permaculture, music (harp, piano, guitar, flutes), camping, biking (mountain, road and fat bikes), woodworking, has run marathons (6), century bike rides, and was once an obsessed rock climber in the 1970’s before it was popular. Loves reading, writing and teaching others the cool things he has learned. He has been married to his very supportive and lovely wife Trish for 43 years. They have 8 children and 10 grandkids (so far).

Dr. Jordan Gundersen
Jordan is a world renowned herbalist and iridologist. With a masters degree in herbology Jordan is widely sought after speaker and herbal formulator. His formulations have been used by thousands around the world. Jordan is a 2-time best selling author and has been featured on many podcasts, news outlets, tv shows, documentaries and publications.
“Get To The Cause Of Your Health Problems With Iridology” – Iridology was used by Alexander the Great to choose his army. It was used by Hippocrates. It’s used in nearly every county in the world but America. So why aren’t we using it more? Come learn about iridology (formerly called iris diagnosis) in this incredible class!
Could all of the answers to your health problems be found in your eyes? Your eyes are the window to your soul and hold hundreds of pieces of information about your health including genetic weaknesses, accumulated conditions, immediate concerns and a variety of information about every organ and system in the body and so much more. As one of our clients recently said “this is more useful than any bloodwork I’ve ever had! I learned more about my body than anything I’ve ever done”.

Dr. Cassidy Gundersen
Cassidy Gundersen is a PhD nutritionist who has educated thousands around the world about the importance of nutrition. She has also coached and worked with many individuals to successfully reverse their health problems. Cassidy is the author of two best selling books. In addition to being a world class health educator, Cassidy is also an accomplished singer and performer, having been Miss Idaho and performed on American Idol. Cassidy currently focuses most of her time and energy on the best job of all: homeschooling her two kids.
“How To Heal Disease” – At just 24 years old, Cassidy Gundersen was diagnosed with 13 different serious health conditions such as Crohn’s disease, arthritis, lupus, PCOS, and hypothyroidism. After wading through the world of nutrition, she found the answers and reversed all of the diagnoses within 6 months.
This class will walk you through her story and show exactly what she and many others have done to get rid of their health problems. We’ll go through the data around nutrition and what role it plays in reversing disease, including autoimmune diseases. We’ll also talk about the clues that the body gives through the eyes about what the root cause of health problems can be.

Dr. Michelle Jorgensen
As a Health-Based Dentist and Board-Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Dr. Michelle has guided thousands toward better health by combining science-based dental and overall health solutions with practical, everyday strategies. Her teachings focus on how to live well in a world full of modern health challenges, offering actionable steps that anyone can take to improve their wellness.
Unlocking Unlimited Energy through Earth’s Elements
Join Dr. Michelle Jorgensen as she introduces concepts from her latest book, Living Well with Dr. Michelle. You’ll discover how to achieve optimal health and unlimited energy by connecting with the elements of the earth. Learn to listen to your body’s signals, identify where to begin on your wellness journey, and find out how to receive a free health assessment and first steps guide to help you get started.
Health-Based Dentistry: The Mouth-Body Connection
Join Dr. Michelle Jorgensen to explore how your oral health impacts your overall wellness. Discover the three major causes of chronic health issues found in the mouth, how to identify and treat them naturally, and practical steps to prevent and heal cavities. Learn to care for your teeth, gums, and body for lasting health.

Tanna Fox
Tanna Fox is the owner and founder of Live Right Nutrition. As a graduate from the University of Utah in Health Education, a current International Sports Certified Nutritionist since 2016, Certified Gut Health Nutrition Specialist and a past personal trainer, she has a deep love for fitness and understands the power of food and the natural rhythm of our bodies circadian cycle. Tanna is currently finishing her Master Level Nutrition Consultant education which encompasses: holistic health certification, health and wellness coach, and weight-loss management.

Dr. Loren Grover
“Dr. Loren Grover is a Chiropractic Physician and health innovator specializing in natural solutions to chronic pain and autoimmune health challenges. He is the creator of The Hashimoto’s Vitality Plan and The Movement Restoration System,
offering transformative approaches for achieving balance, energy, and vitality.
Originally from Logan, UT, Dr. Grover graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 2006 and has dedicated his career to helping individuals live healthier, more vibrant lives. Inspired by his own experience recovering from a debilitating skiing injury, he developed a passion for understanding the root causes of health issues and crafting personalized, sustainable solutions.
Whether working with athletes, professionals, or those struggling with autoimmune conditions, Dr. Grover’s approach is about solving problems at their core and empowering individuals to thrive.”

Amanda Kemp
Amanda is a dedicated Foot Zone Practitioner and Instructor, a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach through the Institute of Functional Medicine, and a true cheerleader, igniting the spark within others to become the hero of their own stories. She is a lover of learning and always has a class she’s enrolled in, applying, or teaching. Her laughter is nothing short of contagious, infusing joy into every encounter.
Amanda’s own accomplishment in recovering from a nervous breakdown in 2016 is a testament of the healing powers found within the body. She delights in her marriage of 25 years to her husband, “Lovey,” and her greatest blessings are her beautiful, 18 year old twin daughters. She currently resides in Elk Ridge, UT.
“Foot zoning and the language of the body”
Enter the world of your body’s map and see what it’s trying to say to you as you learn the language of foot zoning. Watch for Foot Zone Class Series starting in February!
“Parasites, pulses, and purge”
Co I have parasites? Is parasite cleansing for me? Join this class for a deep dive into parasites, they’re relationship with your body, and why they’re hanging around.

Doreen Spackman
Family is most important to me. Our children are grown so we cherish each moment we have with our family.
I enjoy gardening, hiking, preparing and eating healthy food, using herbs, learning self-empowerment tools and sharing with others; whether it’s produce from the garden to all of the other learning I have picked up along my journey.
I have enjoyed consulting and teaching classes on whole body health, for over 20 years, whether it’s gardening, nutrition, herbal remedies, self-empowerment tools or as a Bowenwork Practitioner & Instructor. Life is full of Wonderful experiences and continuous learning!
Bowenwork– Renew the Body’s Natural Ability to Heal Itself!
Come and get your individual assessment along with tips on increasing mobility, and how to restore your health.
Bowenwork is a gentle form of bodywork addressing the body as a whole. It improves circulation, lymphatic drainage, enhances assimilation of nutrients and elimination of toxins, assists organ function, eases respiratory, allergy and sinus congestion, impacting the fascia, muscles, joints, as well as the autonomic nervous system. Promotes deep relaxation and supports the body in renewal and wellbeing.
Advanced Herbal Remedies– Learn the Top 5 vital protocols.
Includes handout with directions and list of what to have on hand.
Also for $10 more, you can choose 4 remediees to make and take home!
Cleanses- Which One is Best for You?
It’s a great time of year to cleanse and refresh!
Handout with protocols included

Laura Cooper
Nearly 20 years ago, our family’s journey with food restrictions began when my husband went gluten-free and dairy-free for health reasons. As our kids grew, they each developed their own food sensitivities—our middle child had severe allergies to both common and uncommon foods, which led us to create every meal from scratch. Living in Africa at the time, I learned to bake daily. When we returned home, I dedicated myself to developing recipes that could accommodate our family’s needs. My goal was simple: I didn’t want my kids to miss out on anything—whether it was food, social gatherings, or travel—because of food allergies.
When our youngest was diagnosed with celiac and my husband followed with an official diagnosis, it deepened our commitment to finding not just safe, but truly delicious food for people with dietary restrictions. Over the past 15 years, we’ve poured our hearts into crafting recipes that make it easy for others to thrive with food restrictions. Our mission is to ensure that anyone with food restrictions can enjoy food that tastes amazing—because everyone deserves to thrive and find joy, no matter their dietary needs.
Gluten Free Sourdough Basics Workshop
Ready to finally make your gluten-free sourdough dreams a reality? This workshop is your chance to learn the essential steps to create a healthy, thriving sourdough starter that leads to delicious, homemade bread. Whether you’re a beginner or have hit a roadblock along the way, we’ll provide you with the knowledge, tips, and encouragement you need to succeed! You will also have the opportunity to taste our fresh gluten free, top 9 allergen free sourdough bread.
You’ll Learn How to:
- Create a healthy and thriving gluten-free sourdough starter
- Choose the best flours for a strong starter
- Understand key environmental factors for success
- Avoid common sourdough starter mistakes that lead to frustration
- Sourdough scoring tips
- Understand basic gluten free dough structure

Chef Brad — Grain Fusion
Learn from the best about exciting and simple ways to add the nutritional value of grains to virtually anything you are cooking!
Many of you remember Chef Brad from his years on BYUTV. He’s full of life, eager to share a wealth of knowledge with anyone he meets, well-loved by all and this class will be exciting and full of fun–one you won’t want to miss!

Leslie Probert graduated from BYU in Home Economics For over 20 years she has spoken to thousands of people in church groups and preparedness fairs about simplifying food storage and making it delicious, and for many years authored a “Food Storage Essentials” column for the Deseret News. She spoke at BYU Education Week for 16 years and co-authored best-selling book, “Emergency Food Storage in a Nutshell” with Lisa Harkness. She is married to an Australian and has three children.
What’s in YOUR Basement? How Food Storage Can Make a Big Contribution to Health and Well-being
Don’t those foods take a long time to cook? Learn fast and delicious short cuts to using what you store. Experience a difference in your health! Are you REALLY allergic to gluten? Don’t make assumptions based on fad ideas. There’s a simple way to know for sure. What’s the truth about nutrition in stored foods? Come and find out. Sample some great tasting food.

Neal Bosshardt was born and raised in Redmond, Utah. He graduated from Snow College in Ephraim, Utah and then from Brigham Young University with a degree in Business Management. He returned to Redmond to work in the family business in 1974 when he was one of 6 employees (5 of those were family members), and worked there until he retired in 2018. He worked in every aspect of the business from mining, packaging, to marketing. He was involved with all of the products from table salt to livestock salt to de-icing salt and helped expand their markets from strictly the western states to be the entire United States, as well as Canada, New Zealand, and Japan.
Here is his comment as to why he teaches classes even after retiring:
“Natural Clay and Unrefined Salt kept us out of the emergency room, the Doctor’s office, and drug store so many times over the years that I feel badly for parents and grandparents who don’t have these natural products or know how to use them.
The Great Salt Question… is it bad or beneficial?”
Some people say salt is bad for you, but is it really?
Come learn the differences in salt and why the type of salt is more important than the quantity of salt. Learn the fallacy of ‘sea salt’. Learn why your body works best with unrefined, mineral-rich salt and how to choose the best salt for your body.
We Eat Clay–And Wear it, Too! Natural Clay is a totally safe and effective home remedy which has been used for such external problems as acne, eczema, cuts, bruises, bee stings, spider bites, infections, and burns.
It has been used internally for such things as diarrhea, constipation, colitis, diverticulitis, food poisoning, acid indigestion, heartburn, and ulcers. Come hear first hand the amazing properties of Natural Bentonite Clay and learn to use it in your own home.

Vicki Talmage–
Vicki Talmage has been practicing and teaching the art of living well for the last 45 years. Catalyzed by her own journey to free herself from degenerative disease, she stepped out of the medical profession and into alternative health care at the advice of her colleagues. Vicki studied the Dr. Wood colonics method under Darlene Macey, never intending colon therapy to be her career. Using colonics, Raw Foods, wheatgrass juice, and simple herbs, she healed her body. She has been vegan for 40 years and Raw Vegan for the last 20 years.
Sprouting for Life
- Quickly go through how to soak, sprout and refrigerate wheat sprouts
- What to do with wheat sprouts after they’re sprouted:
- Demo Sun Crackers, Wheat Sprouts, Lemon Tahini Dressing,
- Enjoy a delightful kale salad with sprouts, sun crackers and dressing as toppings
- Sample Rejuvelac and Sprouted Seed Cheese! Come Hungry!

Laura Huffman began learning and cooking gluten-free to accommodate members of her church congregation who had celiac disease or were dairy allergic. She came up with a replacement for Campbell’s cream as a solution. The next year she launched her company, Vivian’s Live Again, to sell cream soup mixes and later added a whole grain product line. She now shares the skills she learned through this journey in her new book, The Gluten Free Pantry: How to Save Time, Money, and Effort in the Kitchen.
Gluten-Free Grains Made Easy: A Guide to Wholesome Eating
Following a gluten-free diet doesn’t mean forgoing the flavor and benefits of eating whole grains. This class will teach health benefits of eating whole grains, which grains are gluten free, how to make your own 100% whole grain flour gluten free flour and other ways to use gluten-free grains in your cooking.

Zoe Haltom–
Zoe Haltom is the founder of Akorn Apothecary and has been formulating her own natural ingredient skin and home care products for over 5 years. After the birth of her first extremely-sensitive-skin child, she dove into research and self-education, ultimately deciding to develop her own products for family & friends. She quickly recognized a more widespread need for gentle, & effective products. She launched Akorn Apothecary in 2021 to offer high-quality, simple solutions for all those with similar skincare challenges & anyone seeking better skin care options.
Body Oil Workshop: Blending for Beginners
In this hands-on class, you’ll learn about the benefits of various carrier oils, essential oils, botanicals, and natural additives to understand why body oil may be the better skin hydration alternative. You will receive knowledge and instruction on how to formulate your own, personal body oil and will be guided through your first blending process, so you can create your own custom formula for hydration, nourishment, and relaxation. Whether you’re looking for a personal pampering product or a thoughtful handmade gift, this class will leave you with the knowledge and confidence to make high-quality body oils and your own custom product to take home at the end of the class! Perfect for beginners and enthusiasts alike!
+$20 for a make it and take it customized Body Oil!
Soap Theory 101: Essentials of Soap Making
Do you want to learn how to make soap but aren’t sure where to start?
This beginner-friendly class explores the basics of soapmaking, including the chemical reactions that create soap, the properties of different oils, how additives like colors and scents work, as well as step by step instruction of how to make a batch of soap. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the process, setting you up for success in crafting your own soap. Ideal for those ready to turn curiosity into knowledge & begin their own soapmaking journey!
+ $10 for a make it and take it customized Soap

Sarah Vezzani–
Sarah Vezzani is a mother of four and, with her husband, a first-generation “farm-steader” in Juab County. Her early life, leading up to a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from BYU, was medically conventional. As she began having babies and wanting to heal from mysterious health issues, she left corporate R&D and began her own research. Now a certified Master Herbalist through Dr. Christopher’s School of Natural Healing, she seeks to educate women (and preferably their husbands, too!) on how to use herbs, diet, and a healing lifestyle for the childbearing year and beyond. You can connect with her on Facebook in her group: The Herb-Powered Pregnancy: Herbs, Nutrition, & Lifestyle Group | Facebook or through her coaching website, Every Day An Experiment .
Class Title: “The Herb-Powered Pregnancy: Have Your Best Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum, Ever!”
We are going to learn key principles for setting the stage for a naturally healthy pregnancy using the deep nourishment of herbs, wholesome foods, and lifestyle. You’ll get to see how these principles can help you before conception, throughout pregnancy, during your birth, recovery from birth, and during the postpartum period.

Alice Osborne and Chrisann Patch
Alice is a former hospital commissioner, American Paper Recycling Institute spokesperson, 2000 Flushes TV spokesperson, “Good Morning, America” guest, and former BYU Education Week presenter. She has a BA in art and an MA in Education, and authored a best-selling book on clutter. She wrote a teaching methodology for Kenyan school districts, trained Kenyan educators and now co-teaches community education classes through her businesses with Chrisann Patch, Brilliant Living Us and The Association for Lifelong Learning. She and her husband Rich, have 12 children between them.
Chrisann Patch is an avid self learner, a healthy living advocate and a teacher and homemaker at heart. She grew up in Circleville Utah with a rich heritage centered in work, service and faith. She is a mother of 5 children and 11 grandchildren. She has a BA from BYU in Child Development and Family Relations. She taught Physical Education for 18 years and yoga for 10 years. She currently co-teaches classes with Alice Osborne as part of their business Brilliant Living Us and The Association for Lifelong Learning.
“Pulses, The Powerhouse of Health!”
What IS pulse? Why is it the “powerhouse of health?” And what can you do with it? We’ll answer these questions as well as teach how to make cooking from scratch easy, simple, and extra healthy!

Jenny Baer is a mom of seven who runs MyBase Products with her children. We are passionate about clean body care that is clean, and easy to use.
Learn what ingredients are needed in your skin care to create fabulous and healthy skin and why you need them for the inside and outside of your body. Come for a freebie of lip balm and see how it’s made.

Katie Craig
Wife of 1, mother of 8, grandmother of 5. Katie has been deep in the world of women, birth, and babies for 27 years. She has taught childbirth education classes, and assisted women with breastfeeding and postpartum care. For 22 years she has been a birth doula and is now also in midwifery school. She has long used various holistic methods for keeping her family healthy and has recently added homeopathy to her toolbelt. She believes in the beauty and power of both men and women filling their divine roles. She knows that one of her life missions is to nurture and teach women to be the fearless centers of their families, the heart of the home. A passionate learner and a gifted teacher, Katie has often been sought out as a resource for information, advice, and comfort in matters of health, birth, and family life. She and her husband Ken are also comedians and popular speakers on many topics including parenting and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
How to Have the Best Birth Experience!
Katie presents her 6 top tips for increasing your birth satisfaction and reducing your chance of complications in any birth, whether at home or in the hospital. Come prepared with your questions for Katie! A great class for childbearing women and everyone who supports them.

Bryon Tarbet—
Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry minor in Biochemsitry 1987. Water treatment, Molecular Recognition technology and self employed.
Macro and micronutrients are important to health. Our soils are depleted of many minerals and so we are deficient and our biochemistry is less than optimal. Our gut microbiome (immune system) is also improved by a correct balance of macro and micro nutrients. We will discuss enzymes, chelation and delivery systems.
Featuring Vendors